Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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He married my prince

Prince of my dreams, with which I have often dreamed, which has inspired many stories marry me marry another I'm very sad No, just kidding. I'm happy.

Yesterday at nine in the evening, had just seen the competition " Pasapalabra " I love the macizorras Presenter ( Christian Galvez ) did not want to change the channel and saw the beginning of the news is something I never do and I find this news. They met in college. They bring together 8 years (though with intervals), he's now 28 years. It takes years to press speculation that but it took me all of a sudden the official announcement of the marriage of William of England. It is already home to me my prince

always live with expectation a royal wedding but William has made me feel very special things, I've come to feel like something of mine. I do not know, I feel as if you were a friend to marry. I'm excited. I'm happy for him. It is also a moment for the history, the wedding of the future king of England. It is a moment that spent years waiting. I fell in love with William, whom I saw grow) in his father's wedding to Camilla on April 9, 2005, and there was talk of the wedding of Kate and William soon and I wished that it did because I wanted to return to live a day like that ... They have had to spend 5 years for this to happen have been breaks, rumors. In fact there was talk that the wedding would be in 2011 because this year would not time in 2012 were the Olympics , I thought it was nonsense journalists but have many years talking about a wedding days would reason and now it is. Now it is a fact (is a escandalazo the cancellation and at the wedding of an heir not think there has ever happened ) will be in spring-summer of next year fulfilled 30 years of wedding G uillermo parents ...

Parents of William, Prince Charles and Lady Di, were married on July 29, 1981. I was eight and remember to stay all morning pending wedding that I saw live. I lived with emotion, with expectation . In fact the only royal wedding I've followed live. It is as if he knew the importance of the wedding would for me and hence is born an impressive rubiazo I fall in love years later. I must confess that I prefer now almost a brother. Guillermo lost youth, beauty and Harry is unleashing all of my passions Guillermo would love a little off the years and the passion Harry booming. Interestingly this year has been the only , since 2005, that article he wrote for his birthday, do not a novel by him. It was something that was not going to do, although prince is very handsome, but I still like it's not like before. Interestingly it looks, this year does not run the article. I only do one a month and my previous article of Paul was my special and would not have wanted to come down soon, wanted him in first line throughout the month but ... This was news no longer wanted overlook. Today is a day to remind many Guillermo news is coming from Guillermo , will be more this than ever. I'm not to follow news and only at the wedding I knew him. is also why I have it a little forgotten but now all go magazines talking about him and I'm excited ... Wow see your wedding, to live with him part of his life, his brother also am happy sure next year if it is novel to see if it falls as happened to his father's ... maybe I set in H arry ... he has broken with his girlfriend (although, as the brother always breaks and returns so that it take me to live a moment and )

This article is 10 Guille, double the other. William has made me live special moments when we even taught the cock now just missing the wedding without being an actor, is ranked 8 in the ranking of my most handsome webnovela have staged a mine.

I've talked about my feelings, rumors of wedding and I will not repeat. If anyone is interested can look in my previous articles , now prefer to focus on new things. Yesterday

days November 16, 2010 is a day to remember especially for the British and William of England announces her wedding to Kate Middleton . proposed by the prince in Kenya . Had long been talking about it, he says he was reading about ways to make the request. She says it was very romantic. The ring is a sapphire, and was of Princess Diana. Guillermo carried it with him for days waiting for the moment. Wanted to use the ring because it's like having your mother with him.
- "is my way to make sure my mother did not lose today and all the excitement " - says

have children still do not think I'm dying to see Dad and I will not be very old je, je When she speaks he looks with a face of love ... moves his hands nervously. I love the couple who are very happy

Britons are happy with the couple in fact the vast majority (although not want their Queen abdicate) yes want them to be their future king Prince skipping the Charles and the Duchess. Kate

Ensures that the break has made them more safe and as he has not been married before because it was the moment that this is not a race.
- "Now is the right time and we are very, very happy. "

" Bill has always said he is ready to marry after their 28 birthday, which will be next month, "said Nicholas Davies told the Journal Star . 'is the right time. "

" The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William with Elizabeth Catherine (Kate ) Middleton. The wedding was held in the spring or summer of 2011 in London, "the real statement.
The reports further that" after the marriage, the couple live in North Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve in the Royal Air Force. "

" It was a real relief and it's very nice to tell everybody, "said the prince, who revealed that was "quite difficult" to keep it secret "especially during the last two or three weeks"

Wedding has the approval of Queen who uillermo G you had to ask permission from the government could also and will stop by the Anglican religion should be. As the wedding be logical story tale. Is expected to cost 32 million euros. This is so long. in fact the princes of Asturias was more expensive (if the rain tent alone cost nearly one million euros) I like the royal family has taken this noviazo, naturally, as Kate has faced with public opinion. There have been hiding things like English royal house. In Spain we did not know whom he married our prince (with the princesses and their husbands as well) until the day of announcement.

Sources: a + the + Queen + Elizabeth + II + in + the + crown

http://www. /

A Prince protagonist webnovela

grandchildren of Queen

Waiver BA14-+ The + Disclaimer 28por + Emily +%% 29 /

The Price of Crown

http://billyesguapo . /

Me Muero by William


do so handsome princes

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